Dog Training Secrets

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Learning How to Train Dogs the Positive Way

by Lisa Murray

Figuring out how to train dogs is tricky stuff. Okay so your dog just peed on the floor for the tenth time today and it's only ten in the morning! Don't throw your hands up in exasperation just yet. You need to have a plan of how to train dogs that makes the process a good one for both your dog and you.
Any behavioral specialist (and any parent!) will tell you that you get better results with rewards than you get with punishments, and with a little of thought, it's easy to see why this is the best way to train your dog. For your dog's own safety and for your own sanity, you'll find that using a rewards-based system is one of the most effective ways to train your dog and to make the training stick.
Although at times it may seem like your dog's sole mission on earth is to drive you absolutely nutty, that's not true by a long shot. The problem is you've probably gotten so caught up in trying to figure out how to train dogs that you've forgotten that all your dog really wants is to make you happy. He's just not sure how to do that.
The positive reinforcement method can help you train any dog. Contrary to what you've heard you can teach an old dog new tricks. This method is great for dogs of all ages so whether you're learning how to train a new born puppy or an older dog it's extremely quick and effective.
When you're getting ready to start your dog training you'll need to use a cue to signal your dog to perform the desired action. Whether it's a particular word or gesture, it should be something relatively simple to remember and easy for your dog to understand. Whatever you decide on use the same cue everytime you train your dog to perform the new action to avoid confusion.
For instance, when you are teaching your dog to sit, tell him "sit" in a loud and clear voice, and press his hindquarters down. When he has done this, even with your help, give him plenty of praise and perhaps a treat. This is the way to make him associate obedience with your approval.
Remember that should only reward your dog when he performs at your command. If, for instance, he comes up and sits or rolls over without any prompting for you, do not give him a treat. If you do, you can think of it as him training you, instead!
The key to training your dog with positive reinforcement is to not lose your cool. Learning how to train a dog can be a lot of fun but it does take a little patience. Remember you love your dog and he loves you so never scream at him or hit him. Firmly let him know if he's misbehaved and give reprimand in a strong voice but not loud enough to make him afraid of you.
This dog training thing takes patience and lots of practice but it's well worth it. You'll have a happy well behaved pet who loves you to pieces not to mention a nice, clean floor!

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